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Blogging Secret: How to Blog Accurately

To me blogging is like a game when you blog efficiently you may not get a dim I mean you may find it difficult to make money through it which can arose in different ways and I think the core of blogging after all the problem one has encounter is to make money after all but the key is that we should not just focus on how to make money, we should also focus on how you can satisfy your readers want and there are some people that didn’t even struggle much on blogging and they make there cool cash but you may be wondering that how is that possible, it is possible in different ways for instance I visit one blog, and the blog only have one post with Google Adsense, I tried to ascertain how that is possible and at the end, I could find out, I notice that the person use third party to create the Goggle Adsense account and also buy traffic to the blog which can only be done by using blogger platform with ( as the sub-domain. But doing that can never make you a blogger. Not that am encouraging joining those who buying traffic or doing irrelevant thing just to make money, am just trying to lay more emphasis on what blogging is.
This post will enlighten you more on how to blog efficiently, accurately, remarkably and lots more.

Posting Strategies 

This will base totally on your posting techniques, how you write your post, what you write and how you format your post.

  • Let me start with Post Title Covert
To be straightforward, we all know that it is the post title that will determine what your post is all about to the reader. Even if you have written a good post content without an attracting title that post won’t give much traffic because it the headline that will link back your visitor and it is the post title that will give your reader determination on reading your blog post. Even though your content contains a polite keyword and your post title didn’t cover what your content is, the fact is that the post won’t generate much reader. So every thing work hand-to-hand a polite keyword and a good post title that contains all what your content is all about.

  • Secondly Link Building System
What I mean by link building is how you inter link your post. As a blogger, you didn’t need to write post just for writing sake, I mean your should try to pull your reader towards your blog by linking your latest post with the old once, because some reader may not even interested in the post that he/she is reading but in as much as you link the post with another, by then the reader can try to check another post you have writing. Linking your recent post with old once will create awareness between your readers it will enable them to stay long on your site there by, you will obtain what you need from them. So am trying to encourage you to try in as much as possible to be inserting your old post link in your new post and try to bold the selected words that you have linked.

  • More so Keyword Usage
I have mention something like keyword in the first point under posting strategies that I mention your post title hand to hand with your keyword. Using search word, commonly search word on the internet will be of benefit to you but don’t let it be too much just for you to get traffic. Also use keyword for your post title and use search description after writing your post.

  • Post Frequency Secrets
Adequate and time to time posting will be of a great benefit to you. Post is the key to blogging there are some people rushing to be using WordPress as there platform because of the superior advantage than that of other platform and other benefit but I think without post not just any post a good and mind blowing article which can easily convince your reader and your blog design just support it for total accuracy. Try to post frequently and you will be happy of what your blog will bring for you.

Endurance Secrets

Most blogger nowadays don’t have much patience in blogging aspect, they just rush in to it and that is how they rush out since they are not patience. I want you to put this in mind that rushing things will destroy things. But I think you are not among and if you are a kind of person that is just after money making after a few contribution to blog and if you are I will like to encourage you to focus more on how your blog will develop and how you will satisfy your reader with what you have written by then it is your blog that will tell you to go for monetization.

Focus Secrets

As a blogger, try to focus on one blog that you have which means you need to be careful when you are selecting your blogging niche because it happen mostly to some blogger that after they have selected their niche and they will find it difficult to post much article because they are not good in that area and that will make them to move from that blogging niche to another thereby leading them not to concentrate on the old blog. It won’t be easy for a blogger to leave a blog after wasting some time on it so they will be doing this doing that, because of their effort on the old blog. Having a good focal point on main blog will be of benefit to you so after boosting the main blog that you are getting enough traffic, income and other benefit by then you can just create a little blog that won’t be of one that will be consuming much of your time and effort.

Appearance Secrets

Appearance gives good support on blogging spotlight. “Appearance shows the manner.” It is the design of your blog that will tell a new visitor to your blog the type of blog he/she is visiting and the appearance will give much detail on what the blog contain. But the key is that perfect design without good post is nothing because it is not the design that your reader will read but your quality post and it is not appearance that will be the back link to your blog. Don’t over design your blog because design can stick visitor to your blog and at the same time make reader not to come back to your blog.
I think with this few point of my, I have able to supply you what will be of benefit to you and your blogging future.

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