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Common Blogging Problems And Ways Of Overcoming Them

The fact of blogging system is that no matter how you are expert or good in your blogging way, you are going to see some confrontation maybe you just begin blogging or you have been blogging for a while. There are different types of blogging problems you face as a blogger and you may be able to overcome some and there are some that you may not be able to find solution to. Some new blogger draw their attention to blogging because of earning money from blogging they even create more than two or more blog so as to increase their monthly income unknowing to them about the problems, challenges and confrontation in blogging system. There are some blogger that  that quit blogging when they come across blogging problem.
This article based on common blogging problems and ways of overcoming them.

Limited or No Visitors To Your Blog

Blog traffic is very important in blogging area in which every blogger wants readers to their blog. A new blog mostly have little reader and if you have 10 or more readers on daily basis these are the tips you can use for keeping the odd reader and draw the attention of new readers to your blog.
  1. Guest Posting Opportunities- Guest blogging is an immense means of getting traffic to your blog and also add to the number of back links to your blog. Write a guest post for other blogs mostly a blog with high page rank more than your blog. Write a quality guest post and put your short bio and your blog URL to the page so that the reader will be linked to your blog. Reply to the guest post comment and give them the link to your site. Try to write a good guest post so that the reader will be happy so see the great content that you will also have. 
  2. Quality Post with Good Content – To gain visitor you must look at your content and think that are they good enough to draw the attention of reader and make the stay to your blog. That is why you need to be careful when you are selecting your blogging niche that is the area you want to be blogging about because if you select good blogging niche that you know better definitely you will have good post to write. Know what your readers what and give it to them. Don't write another article different from your blogging niche. By doing this you will surely attract your reader and they will stay on your blog when what you are writing is related to what your blog is all about.
  3. Social Media Networking- Network your blog to social media like Facebook and Twitter so once you publish your post it will appear their automatically. Develop a Facebook Fan Page for your blog and be very active their and try to be updating status daily and other important things also add Facebook share and Twitter Retweet Buttons to your blog to encourage your reader to share it with their friend. There are some bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, that you can also share your blog post to. 

No Comments From Visitors

This is a common problem faced by bloggers when they start blogging. Comment from a reader is very good, it will enable you to know maybe what you are writing is meaningful and it is of your readers interest. You will also be happy to read comment from your reader. Here are few steps to get you more comments.
  1. Conclude Your Post With a Question- Try to ask question about the blog post relating the your article at the end of your post because the best way to get answer is by asking a question. As for their opinion and let them know that you will be glad for there feedback. This will encourage your readers to leave a comment.  
  2. Writing Debating Article- Write about controversial article that people like and something brilliant to here, that will encourage reader to argue by leaving their comment. The attention of your reader will be totally draw thereby, there will be faster response from readers, Write controversial article that is mostly search by people on the internet.
  3. Comment on Other People’s blogs- One of the efficient way to build your reader is by commenting on other blog. The comment that you give and the link of your blog will direct readers to your blog and they will also comment on your post that is useful to them that means it is a give and take tactics. Find blogs post on a topic you like, read the main body of their post and leave a comment that is informative about the post. Try to comment on a less famous blog and leave comment so that they will not overlook your comment. When you are getting more comment like 3-4 comments on your blog, the other people will start leaving comment on your blog posts.
  4. Reply to Every Comments On your Blog- Give a reply to every comment on your blog with correct answer. Also try to thank them when you are replying to their comment. By doing this it will build relationship between you and your reader and you will also obtain more ideas for new posts, your blog will be more powerful and you are also creating a way by which visitor will be coming back to your blog. Let them know more on what you are talking about in your post by giving more explanation on it when you are commenting.

High Bounce Rate of Visitors

Bounce rate represents the percentage of visitors who enter the site and "bounce" (leave the site) rather than continue viewing other pages within the same site. If there is higher bounce rate that means your odd reader are leaving your blog and not coming back. For a blog to grow you need a low bounce rate. This is the possible method to follow for getting it
  1. Enable RSS Feed and Send Newsletter Using Email- Using RSS feed on a blog is very good, it will direct your reader back to your blog to read what you have posted. The most important thing for you to do as a blogger is to encourage your readers to subscribe for RSS feeds, try to customize your blog with large RSS feed icon. Sending of Email newsletters to your readers can also low your bounce rate and made mention of all articles you have posted before.
  2. Maintain Regular Posting Schedule and Promote Occasionally- You need to put more effort on your writing skill and try to be giving out a quality post with good content. If your opinion on what you are creating blog for is to satisfy your readers want, you will surely end up with a massive success with your blog. Also make a schedule for your posting system by analyzing the best time for your to publish your blog post .

Low Earning From Blog

I can say the major point of blogging for bloggers is to make money from it and if this is not as much as they want they can quit blogging for another thing. For a blogger to earn money, you need to be patience and be realistic in your approach and follow this step for more.
  1. Build Your Audience- The major source of income from blog comes from your reader I mean the traffic you have. For you to earn money blogging you need to build your audience and you can also build them by solving their problems and they will start trusting you. Once you have build your audience and you have a large number of loyal followers you can easily make money from your blog
  2. Select Your Money Making Method - Select the method that you like to be making money from maybe ads posted in your blog or sell your blog content by creating ebooks for your post for you sell it with your readers. Earning from ads is the most common method, in which you need to on writing articles that are often searched in internet so that you will get more reader. You can do some key word and put it in your article. For selling of ebooks which are your blog content, you need to consider your content and check maybe it is of quality content than can benefit readers which means your content must be totally good.
You can also mention your own blogging problems that are different from those mention and tell us how you overcome them so we can also gain from your experience or the one that you are facing recently so that it can be solved by leaving your comment on this article.
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