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Post to Numerous Facebook Groups At Once

Gone are the days when I usually copy my post to share it on Facebook group one by one just to get more visitors, but the method always take much of my time and even energy but the time I came across this mighty method I really enjoy it and the first time I tried it, to be sincere there is a total changes in my blog visitors. Am also writing this with respect to my colleagues who are in need of it and also requesting for it. If you totally get to know this method, you can be using it to make direct money into your Bank Account by engaging yourself in registering an account with site that allows promotion of ads with your Social Network Accounts example of those sites are Open Ad Nation, Win Thrills and so on. I really like open ad nation for this because you will get # 1.925 on a single click so tell me if you post your links to 50 groups at once with a minimum 5000 members and you get at least 20 clicks from each groups so 20x50 that is 1000 clicks per day so 1000x1.925=1,925, for 10days, just calculate the amount and know how much it will be, so the probability for not getting 1000 clicks per day is 1/2 and 1000/2=500 so you are getting 500 clicks daily so which is 962.5 multiply by the number of days that you can afford using and calculate your earnings. It’s cool right? Yes it is

This tutorial won’t take much of your time so let’s get it started.
  • First and foremost, you need to create an account with HOOTSUITE, by clicking the hootsuite in capital letter. 
  • Click on signup for you to have a new account and you will be taking to a page with hootsuite business plan
  • Search for PRO and click on get started now under it. You may be thinking that maybe I don’t know what it mean by clicking on PRO, don’t worry that is where the logic start from. You will also be taking to another page saying you should create an account in 3steps
  • Fill the first step appropriately, for the second column(Billing Cycle) you can leave that with annual amount
  • On getting to the third column which is the main column, you will be directed to enter your billing information Select Pay By Credit Card if it has not been selected.
  • For you to give them a good details, you have to go to this site by CLICKING HERE
  • Once you are there just select any gender, Name Set (American) and Country (US) click on generate and you will be giving a full details of the gender profile
  • Copy the credit card information that you have generated respectively which are Credit Card Number, CVV2 and Expiring date and paste them to where they belong
  • When you are done click on start my free trial and your account as been created

For the second part which is the method that you are going to use to post your articles to different Facebook groups.
  • Locate Add Social Account
  • Click on Facebook which is on the second line and click on connect with Facebook
  • Do the necessary things by allowing the application to access your Facebook account.
  • Click on the PLUS mark on each of your Facebook groups imported groups
  • After that click on finish importing. NB: You will be able to see up to 50 groups at once because that is what the PRO plan supported which mean you can only post to 50groups at a time with one Facebook account
  • All the imported group will be shown to you at the extreme top of the page as shown in the picture  below

  • Click on the pin button so you will be able to post to those groups at once
  • When you are done with all those steps, you are just left with the post you like to distribute to your Facebook groups
  • Copy your post title and your post link to the box where it wrote “Compose a message”
  • Click on send now for your post to be disseminated around Facebook
  • You can also schedule the time for your article to be posted on all the Facebook groups by click on the scheduling icon in front of the attachment icon and schedule your post as you wish
Note: You can Post to 200 Facebook groups at once depending on the number of Facebook account you have and the total number of groups present on that account you create a Facebook account and start Joining different Facebook group for you to post to numerous Facebook Groups.
Hope you enjoy this little post of mine and if  you have any question pertaining this tutorial, be it what is not clear to you or what you don’t get, you can leave your question by using the comment box below.
Please Share it! :)